Who we are

Mompracem is the result of the partnership between the directors Antonio and Marco Manetti, the Manetti bros. and the producer Carlo Macchitella, later joined by Pier Giorgio Bellocchio and the German company Beta Film. The common thread drawing them together is their great passion for cinema.
One of Mompracem’s main goals is to put emerging directors in the spotlight and give them the opportunity to create projects which combine entertainment and quality.
Mompracem’s main feature is being a dynamic production, an actual laboratory of ideas which operates and works outside the box, never losing sight of its goals.
Carlo Macchitella (1952-2023)
Cinema is part of my life. I belong to a generation that saw the world in grey. A generation that could only experience colours through books, music, radio, and dances; a generation that, for many years, enabled the magic of the big screen to shape their imagination, the time they spent with friends, the date that could lead to a new love, the memory of a dream or of a narration that would change your life.
I mille volti del sogno, Marsilio 2012

Both directors and screenwriters, Antonio and Marco Manetti make their directorial debut in 1995 with the short film Consegna a Domicilio a segment from the film DeGenerazione. In 1997, they direct their first feature film, Torino Boys produced by Marco and Piergiorgio Bellocchio. In 2000, their film Zora la vampira is released, followed, among others, by Piano 17, Paura 3D and L’arrivo di Wang which was selected for the Controcampo Italiano competing section at the Venice Film Festival.
In 2013 Song ‘e Napule is released, followed, in 2017, by Ammore e Malavita which was presented in competition at the Venice Film Festival and won several awards, including the David di Donatello for Best Film. In 2021, the first film of the Diabolik trilogy is released; it is the cinematographic adaptation of the adventures of the character created by Angela and Luciana Giussani.
The Manetti bros. have also directed television series, including the cult series L’ispettore Coliandro.
They also work in web production, and they have directed more than a hundred music videos for some of the most famous Italian music artists.

Pier Giorgio Bellocchio makes his debut as an actor in 1980, in the film Salto nel vuoto, directed by his father Marco, while his career as a producer begins with the Principe di Homburg in 1997. In more than 30 years of work, he has acted in more than 40 cinematographic projects as an actor and has produced more than 30 projects such as films, documentaries, short films and music videos.
He has enriched his career as an actor with several theatrical experiences, spanning from Uncle Vania by Anton Chekhov to Ovvi Destini by Filippo Gili.
In his career, he has had the chance to collaborate with people of great talent from both Italian cinema and television, and to broaden his experience thanks to his infinite love and curiosity towards his job. After he joined the Mompracem team in 2018, he has produced the Manetti bros.’ Diabolik trilogy and all the company’s films and documentaries.
He actively takes part in developing and carrying out the Fondazione Fare Cinema projects, among which there are the Bobbio Festival and the workshops carried out by Bottega XNL.

As a leading company in the field of independent cinema and television, Beta Film produces, finances, and distributes high-end content for the global market, nurturing extensive partnerships with production companies and international talents.
Furthermore, the group focuses on strategic alignment in new business areas via acquisitions and joint ventures. Beta Film has stakes in production companies across Europe as well as renowned brands such as Beta Cinema (international sales and distribution of feature films) and Autentic (international sales, production and distribution of documentaries and factual content), just to name a few.
Beta Film’s rich heritage has been carefully built over decades thanks to hours of high-end dramas, timeless classics, and entertainment for all ages, from all corners of the globe.